A Love Story

A Love Poem

Looking through
poems written and remembered,
poems written and forgotten,
fingering the edges
of this one
with my eyes
of that one
with my mind,
trying out all of the words
that have been,
all the worlds
that have been seen,
looking for a gentle moment
that I can softly caress your hair;
That I can enfold you safely
with the comfort that radiates from within.

They are stale now
in comparison to the way that
you make all things new.
I would remove the scales of old dreams
from your eyes
and give to you the gift of sight
you have bestowed upon me.

Easily, with a quiet passion
no pain
no threat
I would hold you
expecting no more than nearness
requiring no more than love.

Darkly did the shadow cover
and I cowered,

I await the peacefullness of the light.

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