A Thorough Going Over

Giving my self

A thorough

Going over

Going over

Old photographs

Old phonograph record covers

Formerly used to

Separate the seeds from the chaff.


Rubbing hands over bookspines


Lover’s spines

Are they the same?


Chafing at the dish

Finished with Southeast Asian Brown rice

Looking for a new grain of truth.


Becoming unstuck

Was a process

Looking for a lightning bolt

Finding embers

Waiting to be fanned

By new being slaves

Using prayer leafs

And feathers from chanti-clears.


Kent spawned the

Micronite fear filter

Children of the revolution

Traded colors

Curly locks

For portfolios

Forgetting defoliants

Putting on depilatories

Once again.



Placing ourselves

In public stocks

To set

ourselves guilt free

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