
Your back is to the inland shore

The speeding, cramped world

Of society seeking security

No longer exists

For these few moments:

You are alone.


It is not yet dawn.


Who are you?

Who are you?

The spirit wants to know.

Who are you?

Who are you?

And how do you grow?


A creature

Stumbling from the sea

Soaked; refreshed

A kin to the one-celled animals

That began your life

To the chains of amino acids

That bind together and create your life.

The blood surges

The mind reels

He Spirit feels.


It is not yet Dawn


Who are you?

Who Are you?

So speaks the shore.

Who are you?

Who are you?

The question once more.


You return to the sea;

Gently place your fingertips

Into the water

Remove them

And place them on your tongue.


The salt is familiar

Too much would kill

The right amount

Has brought you life.

The life of the eons

Written in the ions.


It is not yet dawn


You remember

That the sea that hs thrust you forward

The magnificent body of water

That once possessed your soul and spirit

Is itself a membrane in the universal eye

Your soul cries out in fear at its own smallness:

In wonder of the power of your mind

To possess the sea

To possess the universe.


It is not yet dawn.


Fear and wonder are replaced with a steady sureness

As light replaces darkness.

The sea meeting clouds

Sand beneath your feet

Your heart catches the rhythm of the waves.

All are given kindly

With the beginning of the light.


And the dawn speaks quietly


You know who you are

You know who you are

You are one with the sea

That is one with the star.


Quite sure by now

Standing still

Facing the sea

With expectant eyes

Searching the pocket of sky

Between the clouds

You await the coming of the sun.


The red rim speaks to you

In silent light

But in your soul

The riff of blazing trumpets


As the arc grows

The spirit speaks louder

With angel trumpets blaring



At ease with the light

The melody is softer

Less insistent

The night has made love to the earth

And given birth to the sun.


It is dawn


Who are you?

Who are you?

The sun wants to know.


I am life

I am living

I am part of the flow.

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