In the Background

n the Background

In the background
a horn player
paying tribute
soulful sound

In the foreground
a small boy
searching to tell his father
of the day at school
thank him for
the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
hold his hand
and hear him say
"I love you little boy"
soulful sound

In the Chakra of the heart
fullness comes with lonliness
a roaring silence
fills the early morning meditation
the quiet place
particularly filled
the body
particularly present
the mind stilled
soulful silence

A maiden fair
hair golden
head thrown back
in gay challenge
quietly, gently
mocking the seriousness
of the moment
masking all
with no intention
but roaring into passion
unfettered by constraints
the passion subsides
and fear reigns
sounds without soul
mind sounds
with control
written on the wind.

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