Jump Off

Jump Off

There is no jumping off point here,
no smooth and slick transition
just an openness for an audience
and a special sense of awe
that I am an inherent elephant
irrelevant enough to matter
if only for a moment.

I am taking you with me now
when I walk out the door-
the readers, the listeners,
all of us who have thrown our minds
into the streams of the collective conscious

For those who push against the stream,
a gracious nod and thankful sigh
an appreciation of opposition
that quickens the blood and sharpens the wit.

For those in the flow
a sense of
a sense of
hearing the sounds of blaring trumpets
that promise
a New Egypt
another Golden Greece
a magnificent
Roman Renaissance.

Let's slip around, now, in this stream of anxiousness
let's wind down the stanza
Let's sing a paragraph of relaxation
and call to the end of weariness and frustration

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